With the '08 election, I'm sure political blogs are chomping at the bit. Usually I don't read them. Maybe I haven't found the right one but they seem to get way more partisan than other forms of media. From what I saw in tomorrow's reading, it just seems very slanted...and not in a good way. This is why Democrats can't win, say the Republicans. This is why the Republicans can't win, say the Democrats. To an independent like me, it just translates into meaningless sniping. Usually it just seems like they take content from CNN or something then add their own little commentary. Combined with CNN's own blogs and endless analysis on the 24 network, the political discourse in this country just seems like an echo chamber.
That sounds overly cynical but...YouTube is good for watching debates and such. Maybe it's made politics more available because, let's face it, if someone misses a debate they aren't going to set their VCR to record it (maybe if you have a DVR). One thing is for certain, the internet does have some effect on the political process now that information can be dispersed instantly and constantly. One slip-up caught on someone's cell phone camera can be online the same night and immediately ruin that person's career.