Monday, December 3, 2007

digital aesthetics - second thoughts

Now that it's clear to me this is just a digital application of aesthetics I can see the implications. I think digital art changes our perception of art since there is no tangible piece or performance (in the case of digitally composed music) and it is always easily alterable. How does one display a painting created in Adobe photoshop? Is it just a print? (that kind of reminds me of benjamin's there is no original authentic object in the first place! everything is a copy, the original file does not hold the same aura as the original "Starry Night") What about digitally altered photography's place in the art of photography? Does that blur the distinction between taking an image of reality and creating a reality? What about web design or other "new" forms of creation? There are a lot of confusing implications that are also exciting for the art world, though traditionalists might thoroughly disagree. Personally, as an artist, I don't feel threatened by the digital era because it's just another medium to work with and each medium, whether it be paint or photoshop, poses its own problems, limitations and meanings.

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