Monday, September 17, 2007

computers woo!

I'm behind :( it's being weird when I log in, saying it doesn't have my e-mail. oh well, eventually it worked. aaaanyways...

I think computers are probably more a machine because the average person has to limit themselves. it's similar to a canvas. you can do anything but you are still constrained by the squareness, size and color of the surface. with computers, you are working within a set of sometimes nonsensical, inefficient rules. normally I would say they are tools but they have become so imbued in society that we're all somewhat at the mercy of technology. I could pretend like I'm in complete control of the computer or act like I have a choice in the matter but the fact is, society has given so much over to computers that I (as an individual) have no choice but to check my e-mail every day, deal with electronic banking, databases...

I am reminded of the movie Brazil, which is set in dystopian London. A fly causes a blot in paperwork and government officials, relying on the data, hunt for the wrong man.

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